S1 EP13 - Lyndal Magee - Two hospital births
Today’s episode features the beautiful Lyndal talking about her two hospital births. Her first birth she describes as calm but full of interventions. She really wanted a different outcome with her second, and last, child so she hired the support of a doula and completed a hypnobirthing class. Lydnal also briefly touches on her postnatal depression diagnosis after her first daughter's birth and the steps she took to overcome it.
Instagram: @lyndalcmagee
Doula: @2lifedoula
If you think you might be suffering from postnatal depression, please don't be afraid to reach out and seek help.
Parentline: 1300 30 1300
Mentioned in this episode:
Positive Birth Australia Birth Affirmations Tracks Available Now!
Did you know that studies have shown affirmations can significantly boost self-esteem and reduce stress? Here at Positive Birth Australia, we’ve crafted a 20-minute affirmation to guide you to deeply remember the power you hold within. And to my fellow Belly Birth mothers, we’ve created a track specifically for you, to honour that all birth is sacred. For only $5, you can download at www.positivebirthaustralia.com and immerse yourself in our affirmations track to transform your mindset.