S1 EP16 - Tania Stoyles - Two homebirths
On today's episode, Tania takes us through her two incredibly empowering home births. Tania worked as a naturopath in a midwifery clinic where she was constantly surrounded by beautiful, inspiring birth stories. This is what gave her the confidence to bring her babies earth-side in the safety and comfort of her own home, support of her husband and a private midwife. Tania's journey is the greatest example of how strong and capable we are as woman to give birth.
Instagram: @naturally.nourished_
Midwife: @ittakesavillagemidwifery
Mentioned in this episode:
Positive Birth Australia Birth Affirmations Tracks Available Now!
Did you know that studies have shown affirmations can significantly boost self-esteem and reduce stress? Here at Positive Birth Australia, we’ve crafted a 20-minute affirmation to guide you to deeply remember the power you hold within. And to my fellow Belly Birth mothers, we’ve created a track specifically for you, to honour that all birth is sacred. For only $5, you can download at www.positivebirthaustralia.com and immerse yourself in our affirmations track to transform your mindset.