
Published on:

24th Nov 2021

S2 EP65: Ally Collins - Twins Freebirth + Two hospital births + DVT issue

S2 EP65: Today’s episode features the inspirational journey of freebirthing twin mama, Ally. The birth of Ally’s first daughter was a pleasant enough experience for her to opt back into the same model of care during her second pregnancy, until one simple question from her five year old daughter prompted her to consider a homebirth. Using fertility treatments to fall pregnant with her second child, and having to go on a last minute trip to America, put her at a higher risk of a blood clotting condition known as deep vein thrombosis. When she raised concerns about a DVT to the midwife caring for her in America, her worries were quickly dismissed and a clearance to fly was given to her. The moment she landed in Australia she rushed straight to hospital where she was told she had a life-threatening 53cm blood clot in her leg. Considering all of this, when it came time to birth her son a hospital setting was the safest environment for her to bring him earthside and she went on to have a positive induction experience. Although left extremely traumatised by that season in her life, it pushed her deeper into her innate wisdom that no one knows her body better than she does . This was the initiation she needed to completely step out of the system for her pregnancy and fully harness the deep trust within herself, her babies, and birth. We chat about the gentle realisation over time that she was having twins, and the invaluable lessons she drew from her most challenging moments. Instagram: @snippets.of.ally Doula: @a_beautiful_life_doula Photographer: @andieandolliephotography

Mentioned in this episode:

Positive Birth Australia Birth Affirmations Tracks Available Now!

Did you know that studies have shown affirmations can significantly boost self-esteem and reduce stress? Here at Positive Birth Australia, we’ve crafted a 20-minute affirmation to guide you to deeply remember the power you hold within. And to my fellow Belly Birth mothers, we’ve created a track specifically for you, to honour that all birth is sacred. For only $5, you can download at www.positivebirthaustralia.com and immerse yourself in our affirmations track to transform your mindset.

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About the Podcast

Positive Birth Australia
Positive Birth Stories and Advice
A podcast created with passion by a Brisbane mum with a strong desire to learn about all the positive and beautiful sides to birth. This space is created for all women to see, hear, and share empowering birth stories and advice in the hopes to heal and educate others. Each week I'll be chatting with Australian mothers, partners, and professionals to inspire other women on their own journey to motherhood.
Instagram: @positivebirthaustralia

About your host

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Skye Waters