Episode 106

Published on:

10th Mar 2023

S4 EP106: Winona Wyborn: Surprise pregnancy + Freebirth

On today’s show, Winona, shares with us her rite of passage into motherhood.

Winona was considering the path of freezing her eggs when she unexpectedly conceived her daughter. After a moment to process, she completely surrendered into the season upon her, unaware of the deep healing her daughters divine timing would cast over her wounded feminine. 

Her background in holistic health guided her to a place of trust in birth. Calling on the wisdom of a birth keeper to help her reclaim her rite of passage and strengthen what she innately knew she was capable of.

She shares her unwavering belief in her bodies process during a drawn out labour that depleted her energy, and the moment she realised her subconscious resistance was holding her back from birthing. 

Show Links:

Instagram: @winona_wyborn

Birthkeeper: @bushrat_

Mentioned in this episode:

Positive Birth Australia Birth Affirmations Tracks Available Now!

Did you know that studies have shown affirmations can significantly boost self-esteem and reduce stress? Here at Positive Birth Australia, we’ve crafted a 20-minute affirmation to guide you to deeply remember the power you hold within. And to my fellow Belly Birth mothers, we’ve created a track specifically for you, to honour that all birth is sacred. For only $5, you can download at www.positivebirthaustralia.com and immerse yourself in our affirmations track to transform your mindset.

Positive Birth Australia

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About the Podcast

Positive Birth Australia
Positive Birth Stories and Advice
A podcast created with passion by a Brisbane mum with a strong desire to learn about all the positive and beautiful sides to birth. This space is created for all women to see, hear, and share empowering birth stories and advice in the hopes to heal and educate others. Each week I'll be chatting with Australian mothers, partners, and professionals to inspire other women on their own journey to motherhood.
Instagram: @positivebirthaustralia

About your host

Profile picture for Skye Waters

Skye Waters